Parenting Agreement Court

Parenting Agreement Court: A Comprehensive Guide

Going through a divorce is undoubtedly a challenging and emotionally draining process for everyone involved, including the children. One of the most significant decisions that need to be made during divorce proceedings is regarding child custody and parenting arrangements. This is where the Parenting Agreement Court comes in.

What is a Parenting Agreement Court?

A Parenting Agreement Court, also known as a Family Court or a Child Custody Court, is a specialized court that deals with family law cases related to child custody, access, and parenting arrangements. This court is responsible for making decisions that are in the best interest of the child or children in question.

The Parenting Agreement Court aims to reduce conflict between parents, encourage cooperation, and promote the child`s well-being. This court can also help parents come to a mutually agreed parenting plan, reducing the need for a lengthy court process.

When to Approach the Parenting Agreement Court?

Parents can approach the Parenting Agreement Court when they are unable to come to a mutual agreement regarding child custody and parenting arrangements. This court can be approached by either parent or both parents jointly. However, before approaching the court, it is recommended to try and resolve the issue through mediation.

Mediation is a voluntary process where a neutral third party helps parents come to a mutually agreed parenting plan. This process can save time, money and help reduce the stress of going through a lengthy court process.

If mediation fails, parents can then approach the Parenting Agreement Court to make a decision on child custody and parenting arrangements.

What Happens in the Parenting Agreement Court?

When parents approach the Parenting Agreement Court, they are required to submit a parenting plan outlining their proposed parenting arrangements. The court will review this plan and make a decision based on the best interest of the child.

The Parenting Agreement Court may order a parenting assessment to obtain a professional recommendation, which would help assist the court in making an informed decision. This assessment would involve interviews with parents, children, and other significant individuals in the child`s life. The parenting assessment report is then submitted to the court, and the court takes it into consideration when making a decision.

The Parenting Agreement Court may also order a temporary parenting order until a final decision on parenting arrangements is made. This temporary order outlines the temporary parenting arrangements.


In conclusion, the Parenting Agreement Court is an essential institution that helps parents come to mutually agreed parenting arrangements. The court`s ultimate goal is to reduce conflict between parents while promoting the child`s well-being. If you are going through a divorce, it is essential to understand the role of the Parenting Agreement Court and when to approach them.

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